Thursday, March 8, 2012


Out of all my sons Isaiah's birth is relatively uneventful. It was a the easiest and the funniest at the same time. This is a story of a boy named Isaiah and how he came to be.

We were living in South Dakota at the time and I had a friend Amy, her daughter and Caleb were really close friends and we spent a lot of time together because Amy needed someone in her life. She was new at this stay at home Mom thing and I was an old hat at it. The boring and long hours and the never ending work, it all wears on a person after awhile and Amy was there. Her and her husband were trying to have another child, their daughter was 6 years old and they wanted to have another child. I had three sons and was done having children. I had been told by the doctors that I would not have another child or it would kill me and the baby would never make it to term after the birth of Aaron our third. Now I had been told this before, I was told at our check up and blood work for marriage that what my husband to be had told me was the case, we would never have children. Paul had a bad case of mumps as a little boy and he would never father a child and the odds of me having a child were slim because I was very tiny and my periods were severe and very abnormal. What do Doctors know? honestly I believe in Doctors most of the time but I believe in God more, if your supposed to have a child against all odds God is bigger then any Doctor. Paul and I were fine with never having children. Those of you that know us will laugh hysterically here but we really were. We had dreams and none of those dreams included children except in the case of my job. We were told this again and again and finally again after each child by 3 different Doctors- you will never carry another child blah blah blah... the medical speak and lectures carry on and on. Now just so you all know this also- Jonathan our oldest was a what in the world kind of thing. He was not planned or expected and when they told us we were pregnant they told us we would most likely miscarry within the first 3 months. We didn't. Caleb was actually planned for- we tried to have Caleb because we took the risks and wanted a sibling for Jonathan. Caleb wasn't difficult to conceive actually but to hang on to him wasn't easy either. After Caleb we were done, someday I will write down Aaron and the girls story but as for now suffice to say Aaron was born and then we were really done.
I had a ton of baby paraphernalia and decided to have a garage sale because I wouldn't need it any longer. So Amy and I took on the project, she was helping me out and would put some of her stuff on the sale along with she got first dibs at anything she thought she might like. During the getting ready for the sale it took two months as we did it slow and went through boxes of clothes and toys, Amy found out she was pregnant. So we went through with new excitement, we often joked I was having phantom pregnancy symptoms because I was just as tired as here some-days but that was also easily explained away because I have three boys under nine years of age and they were busy!  The day of the sale was great, sunny and lots of people. I sold almost everything and anything that hadn't sold I immediately put in the back of Paul's pickup and he drove it down to the Salvation Army that evening. It was a success and Amy and I were celebrating with cold juice and putting our feet up. We were talking and made plans to get together and go shopping in Sioux Falls the next week when the kids had off school. That next week I got really sick and wasn't able to go. Amy came over even though I told her I probably had a bug and she should stay away. We sat around and let the kids play and she asked me a question. She asked me if it was possible that I was pregnant. I said no isn't possible and I told her about the boys and the doctors. She answered me with a smile and said well I think you are. I laughed out loud, I hadn't had a period/cycle since before Aaron's birth and he was 2 years old. Amy then did something that would change my course of life yet again, she pulled out a pregnancy test stick out of her purse explaining that hers had come in a package of two and she would like me to humor her and take the test. We both agreed it wasn't going to ever be used anyway and she was going to throw it away so... I took that pregnancy test to prove a point. She told me she thought my hips had widened and my breasts had gotten bigger along with a list of other 'symptoms' I said nope I am just getting fatter in my old age and haven't been able to lose the weight from Aaron yet. So to end the argument I took the test. Set it on a paper towel right in the middle of the table when I was done and got the kids a snack so they could watch a Barney show before Amy went home. After the Barney show the kids were squirmy and I was trying to potty train Aaron at the time, I was in the bathroom with Aaron and I heard Amy laughing her head off then calling to Allie to get her shoes because they had to go. I came out and asked what was up, I thought she had gotten a phone call from her husband or something. Instead she was holding that lovely little stick with two blue lines. She then said I would say I told you so but I don't want to be here when you have to tell Paul, as she is laughing hysterically. I had just sold every baby item I owned, the crib was gone, the changing table was gone, the high chair too because Aaron liked to sit on a booster seat at the table. I was in shock, I looked at that stupid stick every which way and it still read positive. I left it on the table and proceeded to get supper ready.
Now you all know Paul is a level headed man. He is patient to a fault most days and over the years I can honestly say the only thing that upsets him is his sons lack of obedience and his concern if his wife is in mortal danger. Now so that you all understand, I died on the operating table- flat lined during Jonathan's birth and they brought me back. Caleb almost died during his birth and I had major complications from checking myself out of the hospital to be with him in the NICU. And I had been on total bed rest with a home health nurse checking on me everyday and hooked up to monitors and IV's for 7 months of Aaron's birth and we lost the girls and almost lost Aaron. You see me and pregnancy really have never been on good terms or even speaking terms most of the time. So it is understandable what happened next. Paul came home that night and played with the boys when he walked in the door like every night. Then he came to help set the table for supper and he saw the test. He picked it up and came into the kitchen carrying it, asking me what it was. I said what does it look like. His comment was to laugh and say that it looked like Amy and I were trying to make him sweat... remember Amy is pregnant and Paul thought we were pulling a joke on him. I said no its mine, and told him exactly how things had gone down that afternoon. He looked at me like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle.  He set the test down and walked out the door. I fed the boys and put them to bed alone that night. Paul has never told me where he went and knowing Paul I am pretty sure he just drove and had a argument with God. He came home in the wee hours of the morning, crawled into bed and held me while we cried. I know in that moment we were both surrendering to God yet one more time because his plan for our lives was not our plan.
I went to the Doctor the next day to confirm and he did confirm. He did some tests and then put me in for an ultrasound. There were two heartbeats that day and two little blobs of developing fingers and toes. In the next months I would feel better then any other pregnancy I had been through, until that day I was leading VBS singing and I felt a cramp and a pinch. I miscarried one of those little heartbeats that day. I was put on bed rest at home but I could get up to the bathroom and even go up and down the stairs in the morning and evening. In the end when it came time to deliver we chose to deliver with my Doctor in MN. He had been through it more time and we felt safer with him. More confident that he could handle whatever arose on the operating table. We were right in our decision. Isaiah Mark Lee was born at 10:10 am on 3-6-2000. He was born without incident. Both Mom and Baby were healthy and were able to leave the hospital within three days. I was up and walking within two hours of the surgery and holding Isaiah in the recovery room. Our youngest, also a little red head was born perfectly and easily for a C-Section birth but like the Doc said I had had enough complications over the years to last a lifetime already. He also tied my tubes that day... again... but this too would not end the complications five years later I would have two 13 pound tumors removed along with a total hysterectomy. Do I miss and wish I could have more children? Yes some days I suppose- because I would be lost without the ones I have. God knew exactly what he was doing with every one of them and they are true blessings.
Isaiah is now 12. He is funny, sarcastic, and is built like a line backer. He has a sweet heart and a kind shy smile. He is a very shy child and loves hanging out with Mom and Dad. His hero is his brother Jonathan, his nemesis is his brother Aaron, and he looks to Caleb if he needs answers. He is dependent on his family structure and is rarely afraid to try anything if we are near. He does not like public school, he does not do well with his peer set he thinks spit wads and teasing of girls is dumb. He thinks most boys his age are silly and why would they say or do some of those things when it hurts other peoples feelings. Isaiah can always make his Mom laugh, frustrate his Dad, infuriate his brothers, and cause everyone to argue just but sitting still in a  room. He is special- and I am so thankful for those silly blue lines that my friend made me face.

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